Pls help

No.13458830 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I feel like an absolute brainlet
Started and electrical engineering degree and that means one of the classes I'm doing now is an introductory course in circuits and all that. It had prerequisite knowledge of year 10 physics or something like that which I haven't done. I was hoping to do some preparation before semester, but best laid plans and all that..
Anyway I don't know if the lecturer doesn't know how to explain things but I'm pausing his videos every half minute saying "what the fuck did he just say" because there's all these terms and notations and concepts i'm unfamiliar with and I'm probably just not used to the science thing in general since I didn't do it in high school and that was 10 years ago anyway.
What should I do to try and understand it better? Is there a book or website that explains it to you like you're a retard? Is it meant to be this difficult? Should I just quit and become a jannie?