>>13458653This shit is so retarded it makes me want to go get the covid shot right now. I will look into this further but concerns about mercury and aluminum are dumb considering most vaccines now don't even contain mercury, despite the levels being present being low to the point they were not toxic. All the vaccines it is suggested your infant take in the first 6 months of life will only have 4.4mgs of aluminum combined, while a baby in the same amount of time will receive 7 mgs from breastfeeding. This is hardly enough to showcase provable negligible effects.
https://www.publichealth.org/public-awareness/understanding-vaccines/goes-vaccine/As for concern about allergies, alot of studies show that vaccines actually help with allergies and don't cause them.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4406568/Also, how the fuck would you stop a disease such as measles with just better sanitation? the measles vaccine has saved millions of lives over the years even if many only got mildly sick. Or rubella, which is also spread through repository droplets in the air when people cough and sneeze. Or spread like mono. In 1964-1965 alone, rubella killed 2,100 neonatal infants, caused 11,250 miscarriages, and caused 10,000 infants to become deaf, 3,000 blind, and 1,800 with cognitive damage. All in the US. These disease went away due to vaccination. This is why you see things like measles pop up in areas of France as soon as they stop.
https://www.vaccinestoday.eu/stories/france-measles-outbreak-babies-hit-hardest/ Polio maimed 13k-20k kids a year in the US before the vaccine, everything from having to have leg braces like Forrest Gump to the iron lung. To claim every iron lung case was from the Cutter incident is total bs. My great uncle was one such case of someone not getting it form the Cutter incident but through natural means and having to go in the iron lung. He said Jesus held his hand the entire time he was in it.