COVID would have been worse than the Spanish Flu if not for preventine measures.

No.13458508 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If the U.S. has only suffered between 25% to 60% (613k) of the deaths that would have come about if no preventive measures were taken with COVID-19 (2.3m)
For the UK, they have suffered 22 to 37% (130k) of the deaths (580k)
0.1% of the U.S. has died from COVID-19, compared to the 0.5 to 0.8% that died from the Spanish Flu
0.2% of the U.K. has died from COVID-19, compared to the 0.6% that died from the Spanish Flu.
If there were no preventive measures taken place for either, the U.S. would have lost 0.7%, and the U.K would have lost 0.9%
So in the U.S., COVID would have been equivalent to the Spanish Flu and in the U.K. It would have been noticeably worse.
