Cov19 Fort Detrick "theory"

No.13458384 ViewReplyOriginalReport
A population native to a disease's endemic area will be more immune then foreign populations.
>Caucasians (Whites, Indians, Middle eastern) died at a much higher rate than Asians and Africans.
>Black Americans died at a much higher rate than Black Africans - black americans tend to have caucasian ancestry due to rape/intermarriage
>This even applies for the elderly population, where anti-mask attitudes don't play a role much

If the virus is from Fort Detrick then the USA would likely have some blueprint for the virus and there wouldn't have been a delay in supplying masks/developing a vaccine.
>Fort Detrick was shut in August 2019
>The pandemic was completely out of control in western countries, but comparatively well controlled in China.
>Given the total loss of control it is probable that western governments had no idea as to the structure of the Covid19 virus. It unlikely the USA would tank its own economy.

China most likely knew before the US:
>CV19 resembles Chinese bat coronaviruses
>When a "mystery disease" appeared in China in late 2019, social media users suggested that Americans were behind it
>Despite warnings, the Wuhan heath commission barely acted, and spread misinformation to the WHO

China probably didn't leak the virus on purpose, but they sure did try and prevent other countries (notably only majority white countries) from closing borders.
>China saw positive GDP growth in 2020, where almost all western countries were negative

The only logical possiblity of Covid19 being western made is if it were made by one person independently and then the American/other governments didn't know- in this case it could theoretically have been made in any country. Even so, CCP members knew first, censored doctors and online comments, and then let this bioweapon escape.