>>13457904It is quite easy, but kind of expensive. And if you want to do anything new basic research or print your own oligos, you nee to have a decent understanding of a bunch of stuff.
The equipment: automatic micropipett; i would suggest a 1-5um a 5-20um a 20-200um and a 100-1000um costs 30$ so a set of 4 or 5 for 120$ to 150$; tow centrifuges, one for epi tubes, and a larger one for bulk solutions, each will cost around 150$ so 300$; pcr machine, cheap ones can cost as little as 700$; incubator, costs 1000$, but you can build one for like 50$ autoclave, csots 500$, but you can get a preassure cooker for 100$; hotplate stirer costs 120$; vortex costs 70$; microwave 100$, electirc stove top for 30$, fridge and freezer 250$, build a fumehood for 200$, and optionally you could get a nanopore dna sequencer for 900$, and a spectrophotometer for 400$. Glasswear: petri dishes cost 5$ each beacers cost 2$ test tubes 1$ stopper for test tube 2$ erlenmayer flask 5-10$ stir rods 0.2$ gloves 10$ for 100$. Reagents: yeast extract 250g 25$, meat extract 250g 30$, meat peoptone 500g 70$, agar 500g 75$ tripton 25g 7$. Id also buy some of the basic lab reagents, acids and bases to adjust ph, ph indicator, some solvents...
As for the books, read any cellular biology book, for instance "Cell Biology, 3e by Thomas D. Pollard MD". You will aslo need a genetics lab guide, i can't link you the onw i use, as it is in hungaryan only (written by my profs). But it shouldn't be hard to find one. A genetics book is also a must obviously "Genetics_Principles_and_Analysis_Fourth" is the one i haev, and is fine. If you want to get good, and do some interesting shit read "methods in enzymology". All of these are up on lybgen for free. Anything beyond what is in these, you will only find in research papers, use google scholar, the web of science or pubmed to find articles. Use zotero to organise any research projet. There should be videos on youtube that can teach you experimental procedure.