>>13456991If Germany had won the war it would have been a straight forward solution. They would simply have ordered a stop and turned the whole region into a protected park. And shot anyone who disobeyed.
But they didn't win the war and so we are stuck with the present situation. Western democracies lack the balls to what what the Germans would have done. So no hope there, you basically need to march in and take over the place and lay down the law, backed by guns, and exterminate, without trial, anyone who tries to resist. You need an environmentally conscious authoritarian government who will not hesitate to enforce its will with bloodshed if necessary.
Well golly! Can you think of any powerful Government like that in existence today?
So in summary it cant be saved. The area it covers is controlled by corrupt inefficient governments and mostly populated by people who just dont give a fuck. It will just dwindle away piece by piece until there are perhaps just a few tiny insignificant fragments left. The vast majority of all the plant and animal species it once supported will go extinct. Any attempts by hand wringing useless naive western fuckwits will simply be met as a temporary cash grab and then forgotten. Irresistible and irreversible.
The only possible salvage from the whole mess would be if one country achieves world hegemony in the next hundred years, basically giving them a ticket to do whatever they like. Confronted by the grim reality and consequences of environmental degradation you might hope that they will belatedly come to their senses and enforce the sort of draconian action which is the only possible meaningful solution. Protecting and restoring areas from whatever is left of the rain-forest. A little too late but better than nothing. Eventually they might decide to depopulate the whole region and let it all go back to jungle, which would be even better. I would not hold out hope though.