Renewable Power

No.13455165 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Okay, hear me out. What if instead of fucking up the environment by digging out shitloads of unrenewable rare earth metals for all the fucking solar panels and shit.... what if we just went balls deep on hydroelectric?

>but hydroelectric is bad for the fish and shit

well that's just it. What if, instead of fucking up a bunch of INDIVIDUAL rivers, we just fucked the ABSOLUTE SHIT out of one river?

The Columbia river in Washington currently has 11 large hydroelectric dams on it, and over 400 in its watershed. What if we just decided to completely ruin the Columbia, and put like 40 Grand Coulee-sized dams all up and down its length, turning the entire river into a chain of dam reservoirs. The Columbia's fish migration patterns would be fucked, but they kind of already are. Grand Coulee alone powers like half the goddamn West Coast. Build 40 of those fucks and you could tear down every single coal, solar and nuclear power plant in the whole fucking country and remove every hydroelectric dam that isn't on the Columbia while you're at it.. Just run the whole fucking country off one river. Why has this not seriously been considered?