!ScX9e2LWA6 No.13454067 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Our black hole model is still wrong.

The theory: massive particles cannot cross the event horizon. Black hole interiors are inverted spacetime and gravitationally repulsive.

The objections and their counters:

Nothing happens at the event horizon (2GM) - All null geodesics converge at 2GM. It It forms a pure kightlike surface.

Kruskal-Szekeres/transformed coordinates: no transformations remove the singularity at the event horizon to coordinate particles at 2GM.

Kretchman scalar indicates there is no singularity at the event horizon - it's not a true singularity. It's just a coordinate singularity.

It's just a coordinate singularity - that coordinate is time! Thus it must exclude timelike geodesics and world lines.

Elaboration: as infalling particles gain energy they form a new phase of matter called asymptotic Darkness.