>>13453567>Dr. Bigelow's extra heavy dosageIt was a quiet day out in the cosmos. NASA and Bigelow both stood opposite of each other:
"NASA: You have been skipping out on your IP. Why?" asked Bigelow
"I am a government space administration. I don't need any of these worthless IPs!" he replied with defiance.
Bigelow shook his head in disapproval and began to charge up his BA-330 tanks. Before he knew it, NASA was trapped and ready to receive its innovation:
"I didn't get this engineering degree for nothing. I want to help spaceflight. Just sit still and it'll be over soon," Bigelow calmly stated
Despite his gentle reassurance, NASA continued to struggle, cursing at the billionaire under his breath. Piccolo pulled up his and orbits: He was ready to administer the dosage. Bigelow inserted his long, thick, BEAM into the ISS's exposed berthing port.
Bigelow replied "That is no way to speak to your investor!" and continued to apply the orbital dose
Bigelow's BEAM was thoroughly pounding the ISS and it was near connection. But it seemed it just wasn't enough to help his patient. What should I do though? Bigelow thought. Suddenly, like a flash, the idea came to him: Immediately after docking, Bigelow unsheathed his Bigelow BA-330 from the ISS and began to launch himself up. NASA thought, it was finally over, but he turned his head back only to see a giant BA-330, with its crew volume even larger than ever.