When will the world realize how much we can learn from Wildberger?
A beginner student can understand that the parabola
can only pass from one side of the -axis to the other side because
there are holes where the fictitious numbers would have been.
A simple drawing explains it with clarity. And consequently, those
numbers do not exist, and maths is self-contradictory.
Only idiots do not understand the deep truth passed on from Wildberger's
famous mentors, Wolfgang Mückenheim and Archimedes Plutonium. They taught
the world that if something exists, it has to be written down. For example
the number 0 exists, because it can be written as "0". In stark constrast,
there is no way to write , unless you position yourself sideways
and write an 8 instead. Therefore does not exist either.
In the research article Universal Hyperbolic Geometry, Sydpoints and Finite
Fields: A Projective and Algebraic Alternative, Universe 2018 4(1), Wildberger
creates the anecdote that Albert Einstein had one of the theorems in this
paper as his own favourite result. It is shameful that already more than a
hundred years ago, there were already people busy with stealing Wildberger's
For these and many other reasons, we should hail Wildberger and continue to
unconditionally believe anything he says.
A beginner student can understand that the parabola
can only pass from one side of the -axis to the other side because
there are holes where the fictitious numbers would have been.
A simple drawing explains it with clarity. And consequently, those
numbers do not exist, and maths is self-contradictory.
Only idiots do not understand the deep truth passed on from Wildberger's
famous mentors, Wolfgang Mückenheim and Archimedes Plutonium. They taught
the world that if something exists, it has to be written down. For example
the number 0 exists, because it can be written as "0". In stark constrast,
there is no way to write , unless you position yourself sideways
and write an 8 instead. Therefore does not exist either.
In the research article Universal Hyperbolic Geometry, Sydpoints and Finite
Fields: A Projective and Algebraic Alternative, Universe 2018 4(1), Wildberger
creates the anecdote that Albert Einstein had one of the theorems in this
paper as his own favourite result. It is shameful that already more than a
hundred years ago, there were already people busy with stealing Wildberger's
For these and many other reasons, we should hail Wildberger and continue to
unconditionally believe anything he says.