No.13452335 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Serious question, why every scientists wouldn't have one global science database/website, where EVERY scientific entity participate (labs, individual scientists, doctors, physics, chemistry, biology, everythoing)
You can then publish any work in here, quote others, or have discussion and collaborate to solve issues
Universities would deliver tags to specific accounts (phd, doctorate in X) as authority, but no authority wouldn't prevent you to publish, just that you wouldn't be taken seriously or mostly filtered by the internal search engine (dropdown: filter non validated scientists)

This place would be great for funding, you could also answer for commercial or industrial demands, as a way to make a living, money, or a fortune
Use something like the bitcoin blockchain to make some information immutable or impossible to censor, like for account ownsership, proving you're who you claim you are, to prove you discovered it before X, or simply making knowledge immutable for future generation

Regular people could see consensus on precise topics, there would be no media third party to be between regular people and actual scientists

So why does that not exist?