>>13451210>>13451177>The fact that human existence is first established at conception is verified by you being here and able to type on a keyboard. Furthermore when a miscarriage happens, it has ended a human existence.This is essential to my point. Say I take a skin cell from you, and I let it die. Is that murder?
If I take that skin cell and turn it into a stem cell, is that murder?
If I take that skin cell, turn it into a stem cell, implant that stem cell in a woman and then kill it after a month of gestation; is that murder?
Say I take a skin cell, and I mutate it so that it becomes cancerous. That cell is no longer human?
Say I turn that cell back into a non-cancerous skin cell. Is it human now?
Say I mutate a cell so that it doesn't apoptose, but isnt cancerous. Is that human or non-human?
Should I just find all the cells I want to label human. Should I just find all the cells I want to label non-human. Should I just train a computer classifier to find some factors that will let me simply describe which cells I labeled human and which I labeled non-human?
And how is that different from what you are doing?
>"cancer cells are not human">okay, explain how>"cancer cells don't apoptose. Cells which dont apoptose are not human">okay. It seems you just swapped "cancer cell" for "cells that don't apoptose".I guess the point I was trying to make is that murder isn't very well defined when it comes to early stages of human development.
If life starts at conception, then killing any totipotent stem cell is murder.
Then I can become a mass murderer in secret by taking my skin cells, turning them into totipotent stem cells, then killing those cells.
But that seems somewhat absurd.