>>13450495The vaccines cause cells to produce a part of the spike protein.
About 75% of the vaccine does not remain in the deltoid where it is injected and diffuses through the body, entering the capillaries.
The spike proteins are recognized as foreign bodies and attract platelets. When they are produced by the virus, in the case of an infection, this is bad for the virus. When the spike proteins are produced by the cells of the capillary walls, this causes microscopic clotting all around the body, hence the headaches etc. The problem is that capillaries do not necessarily repair themselves afterwards, and this damage causes the heart to work harder for the rest of the vaccinee's life, possibly causing a premature death.
So that sucks, especially considering that many of the people who got vaccinated where at basically no risk at all to suffer from an infection: young healthy people have a tiny tiny mortality rate.
The other issue concerns the fact that, because the vaccine only causes thre production of part of the spike protein, not something more like the whole virus, the immune response is quite narrow and thus few mutations can cause the virus to become an "escape variant", that is unaffected by vaccine-induced immunity. The virus is very contagious and in between the 2 shots people have weak immunity, and many people do not have access to the vaccine (3rd world) and many people do not want the vaccine (see first paragraph). Thus we have, globally, a situation similar to when an individual misuses antibiotics: high circulation of the virus, with many people with partial vaccination and many people with no vaccination. The high circulation produces many mutations, and the vaccinated people produce an evolutionary pressure for the virus to be selected for resistance to the (narrowly targeted) vaccines. So basically we are breeding worse and worse variants.