Why is electromagneticism such a horrible subject. The books are shit, the professors are shit, the math is ugly and minimal (given that I love differential equations which it somehow almost completely lacks), geometry is non existant. It rellies on external assumtions about the problems just to be solvable like "symmetry", "uniquness of solution", Sommerfield radiation condition, Lorenz or Coulomb gauge, near/far field approximation and the results are often times outright contradicting the theory. The exercises take weeks each only for you to be told that everything you've done is wrong (but you knew that already since the entire theory seems wrong) and you can come up with completely fucked up answers by making valid steps all the way. Almost every single example is some hypothetical bullshit that is completely useless in having any sort of application with minimal exceptions, which only work to give you a minimal idea of the theory behind other things (i.e. antennas). I had a strong background in DEs, vector calculus and even physics of waves but nothing can prepare you for the absolute mess that is EM. Why is this crap even part of academia?