Did we waste an entire generation fighting the wrong greenhouse gas?

No.13449381 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm just going to state beforehand that I have no real evidence to back up what I'm about to say, so take it with a grain of salt. Nonetheless, I'm becoming increasingly convinced that humanity has made a terrible mistake.

In my honest opinion, it's Methane, not CO2 that we should be fighting tooth and nail to contain and suppress. We really never should have worried about CO2 to begin with because it can easily be converted back into oxygen, either by the environment or by artificial means.

And then there's CH4. Unlike CO2, it is lighter than air so it tends to rise high into the stratosphere. Also unlike CO2, there are far less organisms that can break down CH4, and even those tend to only live deep underground and deep below the ocean floor.

There are enormous quantities of methane buried under the arctic ice and under permafrost that is essentially the elephant in the room that the /green/ crowd seems to be ignoring.

Am I wrong? I'd actually feel better if I was.