Sup /sci/ retard here.
I have a math problem that i don't understand but i need to understand.
english is not my third language so be patient with me please.
I have to learn few simple things about triangles but apparently i don't understand a thing.
>Pic rel
Let's say that i have an object that's 168 cm tall (a pole).
Let's say that my eye is at a 90 degree angle directly in the middle of pole (it has to be in the middle alyways).
That would give me a top triangle, simple.
Now let's say that 90 degree angle stays in place, lenght of top stays in place and 168 cm pole "leans foward" (middle triangle).
Now same thing but it leans backward.
Now my question is:
is there a way to calculate a size of object of known height (168cmfor example) that is leaning foward/backward (like michael jackson) assuming that 90 degree angle and one of how do i calculate angular size of leaning object, what do i need, how do i work with this ?
is there a way to calculate a percentage loss of vieved height per one angle ? this would help me the most it sounds simple
please don't askk me why i want to know this it's embarrasing
i also lack technical english word phrases so please be patient with me
I have a math problem that i don't understand but i need to understand.
english is not my third language so be patient with me please.
I have to learn few simple things about triangles but apparently i don't understand a thing.
>Pic rel
Let's say that i have an object that's 168 cm tall (a pole).
Let's say that my eye is at a 90 degree angle directly in the middle of pole (it has to be in the middle alyways).
That would give me a top triangle, simple.
Now let's say that 90 degree angle stays in place, lenght of top stays in place and 168 cm pole "leans foward" (middle triangle).
Now same thing but it leans backward.
Now my question is:
is there a way to calculate a size of object of known height (168cmfor example) that is leaning foward/backward (like michael jackson) assuming that 90 degree angle and one of how do i calculate angular size of leaning object, what do i need, how do i work with this ?
is there a way to calculate a percentage loss of vieved height per one angle ? this would help me the most it sounds simple
please don't askk me why i want to know this it's embarrasing
i also lack technical english word phrases so please be patient with me