No.13445708 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Chemistry is my one bane because it's hard for me to tie it to a logical nature in my head.

Anything math I do fine since I can view it in a logical sense. Memorization subjects like history/biology I still do fine because I register the content as a sort of logical story in my head and only have to put effort into remembering a few extra little bits.

Chemistry, on the other hand, is mostly governed by those subatomic little shits which defy conventional laws of physics. With all their superpositions and quantum entanglement I just can't naturally grasp on to the nature of electrons, protons, etc and their interactions. It's just like I'm trying to learn the workings of someone's made up, imaginary universe. Even if the course is an incredibly easy one, I'm just too stubborn in my ways and try to learn it like I do everything else by cementing down a logical aspect in my head and it just doesn't work because too much of chemistry functions in a way which is hard to naturally deduce.

It's frustrating because many of my main academic interests all involve chemistry.