Free energy from Gold?

No.13445528 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is there any truth to this?


Gold is the most stable and least reactive element in the universe, it is even less reactive than platinum
This means golds inherent industrial properties will never fade and gold will be able to deliver it's industrial purpose until the end of time
Gold nanowire batteries never degrade unlike other batteries that use lesser metals like lithium (lithium has high reactivity and therefore degrades)
This means that batteries made with gold have an infinite storage capacity return compared to the energy expended on creating the storage device

Currently there is a lot of research being done on gold and plasmonic photovoltaics, there is also a lot of research being done on 2D gold semiconductors
A gold based solar panel would never degrade and be able to generate electricity until the sun burns out - giving it a near infinite energy return on energy invested

That is the real reason why gold is money - because it is the most stable and least reactive *metal* in the universe, it's properties are not insured by a government or chinese miners, it is insured by the laws of physics themselves
What is the most important property of a measuring stick? STABILITY