I'm 20 something.
Both my parents (who pay my rent) and my boss (who pays my wages) are annoying the fuck out of me every day now to get vaxxed, and it's getting to my age group's date to be vaccinated so I can't stall anymore.
If I don't, I'll lose my job and have to either move back to my parents home and be a neet loser again. If I do, next year my salary will increase and I'll be self-sufficient for the first time.
But my chances of complications due to vaccine seem higher than due to covid itself, so which of the mystery juices is less likely to fuck me up?
Both my parents (who pay my rent) and my boss (who pays my wages) are annoying the fuck out of me every day now to get vaxxed, and it's getting to my age group's date to be vaccinated so I can't stall anymore.
If I don't, I'll lose my job and have to either move back to my parents home and be a neet loser again. If I do, next year my salary will increase and I'll be self-sufficient for the first time.
But my chances of complications due to vaccine seem higher than due to covid itself, so which of the mystery juices is less likely to fuck me up?