>>13444441I’ve been a NEET for the past two months, taking a break on savings (i.e. not welfare) after years in corporate tech. It’s been great, about half productive time in projects and half screwing off.
IMO, people that haven’t experienced serious failure or trauma wind up more prone to a sort of naïveté of the just world bias in combination with just bordering-on-delusional levels of fundamental attribution error. Anything bad in a person is seen as them being bad in their core, and anything bad that happens to them is sort of their fault somehow.
Maybe I’m being stupid/butthurt and your roommate is just genuinely lazy and nothing’s wrong. But generally if someone is doing “worse” than me or seems lazy/unkempt/bad I’ll assume they had either something fucked happen to them recently, or something unthinkable happen longer ago, or an absence of anything good happening, etc. compared to me. Outside of something unambiguous like getting violent it takes a lot for me to write someone off.
If someone’s been on unemployment playing video games for 8 months, maybe he’s lazy, or maybe he applied everywhere, realized his degree is worthless, and is using them to dissociate out of having to deal with it. Maybe he’s actually super fucked in the head and is having tactile flashbacks to getting molested or some shit. I have no idea. At 8 months he basically needs to be medicated or have a major intervention to get out of whatever’s going on.