>>13444442First of all that quote is true and mentioned in vedanga jyotisha of lagadha, jyotisha is study of calendrics, precise time keeping for rituals and ceremonies. You need arithmetic for that, this is the reason "ganit" is mentioned there.
It is about how the observation of movement of the heavenly bodies marks the passage of time, and how to use that knowledge to know that right times for performing the right cultural ceremonies and rituals.Jyotisha is one of vedangas.
Mathematics has a long history in India and it has been developed for multiple applications, jyotisha is just one of them.
Your meme insult of sanghi means nothing to me, go spam it on reddit and as for diarrhoea projection, better get some medicines. No matter how much you cry and hate, the religion and works of my forefathers isn't going to vanish.