>>13443900To be honest, I have the similar feels. but not exactly the same, since its impossible to know exactly what other person feels in the great clarity. Same goes with low self esteem.
Several months ago had a bad case of apathy, and nothing seems to matter anymore. So whatever, was "depressed" than, still have most of the consequences.
>>13443960So simply make the better use of existing resources.
>>13444140>never took the certified IQ test>too bored to finish the online onesHave only one smart friend, and to my own surprise he looks up to anything I say. Apparently he thinks I'm smart or equal to him. But it also can be consensus to please each others ego. Another smart friend pursued money, and happened to be a complete midwit (he constantly quotes great basedentists and is still used to academic lingo in everyday speech. Very obnoxious of him.
>>13444118Talking about the willpower, I have nearly none, despite going to the gym nearly every day. I procrastinate? find tasks boring and wonder around the house thinking about various subjects.