I just refuse to accept anything from Einstein.
His contributions are completely useless. I downright think he stole the photoeletric effect from someone else. The relativitistic comes from Poincaré-Lorentz works on optics. All his oppositions to Bohr in the Solvay summits were failures. Einstein's contribution to kinetic theory of gases were all bust with plenty to better works replacing and forcing him to review his work on viscosity, per example. The Brownian Motion was, as it's in the name, a phenomenon from Brown.
I just hate how Einstein is shilled all the time as the greatest of all time. He wasn't. By all metrics he was a massive failure. Even his photoeletric Nobel was a joke, he basically got that by reading Planck's paper and working in a patent agency where he had a lot of time to read other people's work and steal ideas.
I just can't help but agree with Lattes, the discoverer of the meson-pi, who was a former jew. Einstein was a fraud and did not contribute anything to science as to be compared to Planck and Schrödinger.
His contributions are completely useless. I downright think he stole the photoeletric effect from someone else. The relativitistic comes from Poincaré-Lorentz works on optics. All his oppositions to Bohr in the Solvay summits were failures. Einstein's contribution to kinetic theory of gases were all bust with plenty to better works replacing and forcing him to review his work on viscosity, per example. The Brownian Motion was, as it's in the name, a phenomenon from Brown.
I just hate how Einstein is shilled all the time as the greatest of all time. He wasn't. By all metrics he was a massive failure. Even his photoeletric Nobel was a joke, he basically got that by reading Planck's paper and working in a patent agency where he had a lot of time to read other people's work and steal ideas.
I just can't help but agree with Lattes, the discoverer of the meson-pi, who was a former jew. Einstein was a fraud and did not contribute anything to science as to be compared to Planck and Schrödinger.