iq needed for /biz/

No.13439162 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I scored a 30 on the ACT in highschool, graduated in 2016. That was 90% percentile at the time. I got extra time to complete the test because I am autistic/adhd.
I'm very lazy because I'm 1/4 black and possibly also because I have low T(went to a doctor) and have poor executive control(autism).

I dropped out of college in my first semester, and now, about 5 years later, I want to go back so I don't have to flip tacos with mexicans anymore. I'm a good writer, but I don't want to write for goldstein, and I'm not smart enough for STEM or "learn to code". That leaves business as the only worthwhile career.
How good at math do you have to be to major in and have a career in business?

***I would post this on /adv/, but they're like the r edditt of 4chan. MODS: This is on topic because it has to do with education and specifically math education, in relation to a career.