No.13436319 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is this feasible? I have literally an endless supply of dead nuisance wood, resulting from an ecological disaster:

Wood powered steam turbine electricity generator

I want to reduce waste as much as possible, so,

I combust the wood to power a steam turbine, so right here I have and capture heat and electricity. Cogeneration.

Wood ash I will capture to utilize a soil treatment alkalinity increasing compound

I want to gasify (I'm rough here) to further reduce waste and increase efficiency with the flue gases.

Then I want to scrub the flue gases to extract and use the CO2

So I'm capturing as much useful heat, electricity, flue gases, and ashes I can to reduce waste and increase total wood powered steam turbine efficiency

What other useful products are in there i could capture cost effectively?

Is this idea even remotely feasible? How much power could you potentially generate?