>>13435407Some components of flue gas can be quantified by gravimetrics.
To quantify CO2 you can bubble a determined volume of gas through a tube/pipe filled with Ba(OH)2-solution, filter the percipitate and heat it in a crucible to glowing red.
The Bariumcarbonate is weighed out and multiplied with 0.2230. You will now have a mass concentration. Given the density of gas you will be able to calculate a volumetric percentage.
To measure H2O content, you could run a defined volume of gas through a column (quite long and filled to the brim) of dry Na2SO4 or molecular sieve 3A (latter would absorb NH3 as well). Weigh the bulk before and after and calculate the water content by subtraction.
There will be a substantial margin of error though you might need to repeat these experiments a view times and calculate averages.