I think conspiracy theories are good fun, but there are too many illogical components to the ones featured prominently on /pol/ right now.
>Dr. Hoffe says microclots are going to kill those with elevated d-dimer levels in 2 years
What shots did they get? Why 2 years? What about those that didn't exhibit any side effects? Why aren't we seeing people dying in large numbers already? If their death is guaranteed, why does he suggest using ivermectin or pine tree tea?
>vaccines are being used to depopulate the planet
So they'll kill the obedient people, the people with high societal worth such as doctors and engineers, and leave the disobedient ones behind? They think people won't notice something is up and lash out against the powers that be if they start seeing people drop like flies? If it's for depopulation, why is it voluntary? The pamphlets handed out even specifically say "if you're hesitant, don't get it". Why would they include that? Do people think the rich overlords want the obedient people to die so they can till the fields and filter water themselves?
If the vaccine is a super bioweapon, why would it need boosters? If the boosters are the real killer, why aren't they mandatory? If the vaccines aren't effective, how would they be able to wipe out half the planet? Why aren't we seeing people from the trials drop dead at an alarming rate? Why would doctors and professors keep quiet? How would literally no one whistleblow if they knew this was an apocalyptic event? Why would China, Russia, and Middle Eastern countries play along? If the vaccine is giving people clots, how are they not experiencing symptoms? How would a deadly vaccine somehow cause a small initial reaction in people, lay dormant, and then come back 2 years later?
It doesn't make sense.