>>13433574>what was probably a thinly veiled American and Chinese bioweapons research lab in Wuhan probably has a virus released from it>people are less worried about getting the bioweapon virus which causes long term damage, including brain damage related loss of sense of smell and respiratory damage in many people, than they are about the vaccine, which causes blood clots in a tiny number of peopleConspiracy theorists are so retarded. You have the plausible conspiracy about the US having a dirty, incestuous compromised relationship with China stretching back around 100 years, with the virus potentially being used to oust an anti-China president (with the help of people in the US who tried to do a colour revolution, and deliberately used the virus to create conditions for rioting [masks, mass unemployment], and who spread the disease via said riots and protests) and as a warning shot against the West that makes liberal democracy look like shit.
And then conspiracy theorists focus in on muh vaccine.
It's like the retarded conspiracy theorists who spend all their time on missiles hitting the pentagon. It's just a competition to see who can have the most ridiculous beliefs.
Before that it was "the CIA invented crack" rather than all the actually shady shit to do with the CIA, drug trafficking and organised crime.
Or obsessing over bullet physics for JFK instead of admitting Jewish involvement, which unlocks the whole thing.
>>13437650The stupidity is the point. A perfect diversion and a great way to make every political discussion stupid so that no one finds out anything, and a great way to make everyone look retarded so the populace is demoralised.