>>13430716The survival rate in medical data is usually based on a 5 year figure.
Obviously there was no cov-19 five years ago. The vast majority of people whose death is attributed to cov-19
- were old
- already had underlying medical issues
- were male
and Dutch ICU data shows that overweight people and people with certain types of migration backgrounds were quite significantly overrepresented (ICU place usage versus population composition).
It would be quite reasonable then to not so much call cov-19 THE cause of death but more "the straw that broke the camel's back."
Or, to put it another way, the cov-19 survival rate really is very high indeed unless one or more of the above *risk factors* apply.
... though the new strains might well give different results. Not only do we not have enough data on that as such, the fact that many people with those risk factors are already dead (in the so-called first wave) is something that must be taken into account when looking at the new data.
(I am male, a little over 50, a little overweight, with glasses and hayfever; so as risk factors go, I've got some. But really don't think they amount to much; under 70 years of age they are a tiny factor.)