what's the point in vaccinate people who already had COVID-19 with sinopharm vaccine?

No.13425655 ViewReplyOriginalReport
First I'm not antivax having already said that, let's proceed.

Sinopharm is a vaccine that uses a attenuated virus, so what's the point in vaccinate people who already had COVID-19 with sinopharm vaccine? You already had the virus, you already been exposed and made antibodies.

I get why you should vaccinate with others vaccines even if you already had the virus (you get a higher production of antibodies than when you were infected). But this is NOT the case with sinopharm.

This paper clearly says that "There was no significant difference in antibody levels in those who were naturally infected compared to these vaccinees at the end of 6 weeks" when it comes to RBD and ACE2 receptor binding antibodies.

It's a waste of resources. You could argue that:

1- Not everyone gets antibodies upon exposure. That's a good point, but if you could provide evidence that you have antibodies with an ELISA test? Then what's the point?

2- With time you loose your antibodies. Then governments should wait a few months to vaccinate those who already had the virus.

Maybe I'm not seeing something, if anyone would like to correct me I would be more than grateful.