>>13423393>>13425357>>13423318redditors who parrot wikipedia
without reasoning or even checking sources
>>13423301There is a branch of chiropractors who claim that most medical problems are caused by spine alignment problems.
You can fix depression, cancer, etc by doing chiropractic stuff.
This is a very marginal view, but it's the one that scientists attack most often.
The weakest form is simply that it treats muscle and skeletal pain. This is pretty hard to deny. as pain treatment is in the eye of the beholder, regardless of casualty it is fulfilling its purpose.
A slightly stronger version is that it helps recovery and posture. This seems pretty hard to deny as well, as we know posture is largely coaching and practice and massage and stimulation an help recovery.
This is what doctors always do, they attack the weakest form of their opponents view, and never address the relevant issues.
Doctors are not inherently more scientific, they understand through narratives and stories, even if some parts are drawn upon more rigorously performed studies.