I'd like some help to find try to find out how 'rf radiation harassment' works. I've been victim of it and I'm want to find a way at least to make sure I can protect myself.
I'm not an eletcrical engineer, neuroscientist or anything like that..
There are people relating it to 'electromagnetic sensitivity syndrome' (EHS), and the 'available symptoms' symptoms as listed here
https://749af60c-dc4c-4abb-8087-d352ff3e100c.filesusr.com/ugd/daa9f4_271914785525451a9c59b64742c8d410.pdf (table 1) But apparently they can be triggered in isolation (one at each given time, or all simultaneously) during the harassment.
This paper suspects myelin damage causes EHS (since the muelin sheaf electrically isolates axons), and this paper https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28106136/ found that 825 MHz radiation (which is the only one they tested and is in the range of cell towers) causes myelin damage.
It also causes oxidative stress and diminishes the activation potential of the neurons.
In my case:
-Its not always active - there were two 'waves of harassment'. One peaked at a sginle time and I had all described symptoms at once. But Most of the time its extremely localized and just one symptom at time.
-Apparently, there is a 'sensitization step'. I don't know if it swallowed some chemical (at two moments, when I ingested things handed me by people I was not familiar with) I had extremely dry mouth (I could drink a liter of iced water and it would be completely dry in the next second) prior to the more intense moments (which included seizures). Some people think certain chemicals might generate EHS. Also, prior to feeling the effects, there was usually a strong 'beamed' effect on the area affected.
I'm not an eletcrical engineer, neuroscientist or anything like that..
There are people relating it to 'electromagnetic sensitivity syndrome' (EHS), and the 'available symptoms' symptoms as listed here
https://749af60c-dc4c-4abb-8087-d352ff3e100c.filesusr.com/ugd/daa9f4_271914785525451a9c59b64742c8d410.pdf (table 1) But apparently they can be triggered in isolation (one at each given time, or all simultaneously) during the harassment.
This paper suspects myelin damage causes EHS (since the muelin sheaf electrically isolates axons), and this paper https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28106136/ found that 825 MHz radiation (which is the only one they tested and is in the range of cell towers) causes myelin damage.
It also causes oxidative stress and diminishes the activation potential of the neurons.
In my case:
-Its not always active - there were two 'waves of harassment'. One peaked at a sginle time and I had all described symptoms at once. But Most of the time its extremely localized and just one symptom at time.
-Apparently, there is a 'sensitization step'. I don't know if it swallowed some chemical (at two moments, when I ingested things handed me by people I was not familiar with) I had extremely dry mouth (I could drink a liter of iced water and it would be completely dry in the next second) prior to the more intense moments (which included seizures). Some people think certain chemicals might generate EHS. Also, prior to feeling the effects, there was usually a strong 'beamed' effect on the area affected.