>>13421032>>13421137>>13421201If you are not bullshitting me anon
your work could literally be revolutionary for use of sound frequencies or whoever frequencies you use
If you decide to go open source, be extremely careful of how you go about it
Most likely you will be written off a a loon, a gook, a retard and a faggot by mainstream your ideas and work shunned and you contributions hindered by established theory
But if you succeed in spread your ideas and work, which I hope you do, it will have to be done by being very careful in how you phrase, word, and present you ideas and research anon
Do not mention aliens, do not mention flat earth, do not mention Atlantis, do not mention the pyramids of Egypt or Stonehenge or anything of the sort
focus on being taken seriously by acting seriously and not taking questions unrelated to your research
They will use you answers to such questions to attempt to discredit you, so be careful, and best wishes for you work anon