>>13422726You take a magnetron, a capacitor and a transformer. I recommend picking these pieces from the same microwave, and then, you wire them like this. Some notes:
-Microwaves won't cook your skin unless you're a retard.
-You should, however, protect your eyes, since they heat up their lenses and create little bubbles within them, causing cataracts. A good way of preventing this is taking a face shield (those used against covid) and wrapping its exterior with a metallic mesh
-You should refrigerate the magnetron with a computer fan
-You should use something as a waveguide (I use a caramel custard bowl) to conduct the microwaves
-No, you won't get cancer. Worst thing that could happen is either cataracts or nerve damage. I've been playing with this since I was 16 and I once put my hand into the waveguide and I simply heated up, no injury. See