New temperature scale, plz halp

No.13418419 ViewReplyOriginalReport
One of the most common calculation mistakes I've noticed repeatedly in my many years in the scientific fields is that people start out with the natural assumption that the temperature of matter in it's zero energy state is 0ºK. That isn't true in this universe, at least not yet. In the universe we live in, the the temperature of matter in it's zero energy state is 2.7ºK. Its a small difference and doesn't seem like a big deal, but the mistake often compounds itself and ends up playing a part in larger inaccuracies.
In order to combat this recurring problem & to make calculations easier, I have decided to introduce a new temperature scale with a zero point at the temperature of the universe, but I'm not adamant about the specifics of the new scale beyond that. The units and the name of the scale seem arbitrary to me, I haven't come with anything to care about beyond the convenience of having a scale with it's zero point at the rest energy state of universe. I was thinking of naming the units "Universal Realvins" or just "Realvins", but also thought that since the unit is based on blackbody temperatures then maybe Boltzmann's name should be attached. Maybe the surface temperature of the sun could be set to 10000ºRealvin to complete the scale with a blackbody theme, or maybe 0ºK could be set to -1ºRealvin.
If anyone has any better ideas, please fill me in, otherwise I expect you all to fall in line and adopt my new temperature scale without fuss.