>>13419427Thanks, boudouard came up before during my search and I forgot the name.
Many graph suggest 700 Celsius is there 50% 50% of CO and CO2, so instead of gathering tailpipe exhaust (~300C) for low CO fraction, exhaust at manifold (~6,700C) may have a more desirable CO fraction. Now the question is if this converted CO containing gas flow exiting the coal barrel is further cooled down, as an effort to lower inlet air temp, will it convert back to CO2 and C(soot!)? I hope not, otherwise the cylinder wall and piston ring might have a huge problem.
>>13418835that is how I got the inspiration of this gasification idea. Passing combustion with waste heat into reducing agent into new fuel. Cars today already use EGR to stifle the inlet with cooled exhaust gas, why not use that heat with waste product to feed the endothermic gasification process.
>>13419741yeah for automobile propose a chain of making liquid fuel is too much, and just immediately burn off the gas product should be good enough.
>>13418512I won't call this a research, this isn't my major and I lacked so many knowledge in chemistry to conduct research on this topic. Nor am I mechanically knowledged. My CE major is closest to writing the electronic controller for these. In fact I don't know where I can start making any experiment or simulation on this topic. RN just looking at what formulas and existing plots might be involved. As for experiment I need at least a lawn motor and know how to weld some pipe good enough not to gas myself. Simulation wise I don't know anything about chemistry simulation packages and know enough to make one myself.