just invented a new type of nuclear battery

No.13417859 ViewReplyOriginalReport
what do? i unironically just discovered a new material which can be made from a high specific power radioisotope which acts as a all in one power supply. emits the radiation, collects the radiation and converts it to electrical current, at 75+% fucking efficiency with a power producing lifetime of a decade... the new material even diluted by other atoms in the material, still averages out to 0.7 watts per gram ( for reference plutonium 238 used for RTG's is 0.5 watts/gram) . All with zero negative radiation emission like gamma rays or neutrons shielding would be provided by 15 micron gold fucking foil. what do i do /sci/? its not gonna run a car anytime soon ( although it technically could) because energy effiency to MAKE the material is low, but for medical implants and prosthetics and space probes and rovers and shit this could REPLACE PU 238 and Sr 90.