Humanity has destroyed the fossil records forever

No.13417706 ViewReplyOriginalReport
In 100 million years humanity will no longer exist. A new intelligent species will emerge to replace it. Whether this species is going to be a descendant of humanity or some other species is irrelevant. What's relevant is they are not going to be speaking English or whatever language humanity is recording its information in right now. Internet is going to be gone in 100 years let alone in six orders of magnitude that time. Scientific journals will be long gone. If any science is recorded at all (perhaps time capsules in space or recorded in DNA) it's going to be encrypted and inaccessible to whomever it wasn't intended for.

Therefore whatever way humanity finds to its knowledge is going to be fundamentally inaccessible to the distant generation of scientists. Furthermore there is no reason why they would trust humanity to begin with if they can't test their hypothesis (we don't trust the accounts of ancient texts either). From the perspective of scientists of the future, humanity is like a black hole that sucks up all the information available and turns it into pure entropy. They are going to know about us and consider us faggots for doing it (though they'll probably fuck it up the same way too).

Thanks to humanity, information about the creatures that roamed this earth for a billion years is permanently lost because faggots had to take the fossils out, that were there undisturbed for millions of years, and put them in museums.
>wow look at the heckin triceratopserino! isn't it so cool? who cares that the fossil is going to turn into false gold and be lost forever.