>>13418082>>13418082>>A => B =/> B => A>You seem to think this means more than it actually doesit does if you build complex arguments and some retard comes and starts throwing shit at you. you can simplify the logic applied against you and realize that people are tricking you into changing the topic at hand in very subtle ways.
in this case:
A: being healthy and strong, eating well to prevent becoming ill
B: catching SARS-CoV-2 and falling ill from COVID
topic: A => B, you are healthy, strong and eat well to prevent becoming ill but still catched SARS-CoV-2, therefore you will fall ill maybe
B => A: if you fall ill from COVID, being healthy, strong and eating will help you stay that way
notice that those are two different topics. could these things be equivalent? sure they COULD, but THAT IS YET ANOTHER TOPIC.
>A) Covid is some scary thing that even healthy people have a real risk of dying fromyes? there is a probability, a low one but a probability nonetheless, that even healthy people die from it. why are you even denying this?
>B) The vaccine gives you 100% immunity from getting symptoms and/or dying1. not 100%, but as long as it's high enough, it's good for you
2. if a good % of the population gets vaccinated, it will become difficult (not impossible) to even catch the virus. I'm no expert, but, have you read about the logic behind mass vaccination programs for preventing shit like SARS-CoV-2? hint: it's not only about protecting individuals (we all die anyway), it's about preventing everyone from getting infected at once, to keep public health systems from falling apart. and public health systems have very low capacity, only enough to attend normal rates of ill people (from cancers, infections, whatever) and to serve the needs of the general public. literally no one cares if you live in the middle of the jungle and don't talk to anyone ever.