Do vaxxes lower deaths and hospitalizations in young adults?

No.13416453 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm in the 20 to 30 years old age group, and it looks like my government might introduce vaccine pass mandates like in France. Given that my country has a pretty old population and they're the majority of voters, it's in politicians' interest to protect them from Covid, even if vaccines did more harm than good to young people. I'm more likely to die in a car crash than from Covid and we had a decrease in mortality in people under 50 last year, probably due to less people driving and less people working thus lower deaths at the workplace.
For these reasons I never even though about getting the vax. I know almost nothing about virology so the only thing I can look at to decide whether getting vaxxed makes sense is experimental results.

Are there any randomized and controlled studies showing a reduction in hospitalizations and deaths due to any cause for vaccinated people in my age group?
Covid deaths are inflated due to false positives and it's not possible to get an accurate count of deaths due to vaccine side effects given that not 100% of them are known, and it's not always possible to accurately establish causation. So the only numbers we can look at to determine whether vaccines are effective in my age group are deaths and hospitalizations in general for the two groups.