What did I just see?

No.13416020 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Its storming fairly bad. Pretty frequent lightning, but none that I remember at the time I saw the weird thing.
I was just stopped at a red light in the rain, and my attention was drawn to the powerlines above and to my right. There were 3 or 4 white/blue glowing football shaped objects traveling slowly in a row along one of the powerlines. The line ran through the center of each object, and where the line came out of it, the things narrowed down, giving them the football shape. Id say they were probably half the size of an american football, moving no faster that walking speed along the line.
The light turned green and i had to drive on but i got a good 4 or 5 second look.

Scibros please help me figure this out. Its this a normal but rare power line thing?