
No.13413767 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are your hypotheses /sci/? What is the watcher behind the eyes? Are there many, or only one? Was Tesla right? Maybe Penrose? Both? Someone else?

My personal theory is that consciousness is pure observation. Memory, will, thought, and emotion are all chemical and physical. We have no actual control over them, but are just "watching" our thoughts and sensations. I think a living brain is like an antenna or space-time distortion. There's only one consciousness just like there's only one gravity. Time is dimension it can be expressed across like position, so our perceived individual separation and linear time are properties of our brains, not consciousness itself. When the brain is anaesthetized or killed, its conscious "force" weakens or disappears, like switching off an electromagnet. The local exertion is gone, but magnetism itself still exists.