the perspective that humans are fallible, and subject to error is well known, actually, and if you require a demonstration that humans are not all knowing, then you clearly have not lived among them.
Humans make mistakes, human perception sometimes makes mistakes in trying to accurately describe what it is seeing, to someone else.
This is why accurate, specific communication, and the ability of the results to be reproduced by others, are key to the scientific process.
it helps to eliminate error that is inherent in human perception, and cognition.
to arrive at the kind of truth you can build skyscrapers and bridges upon, without the boiler suddenly exploding.
these aren't just facts, they are building code in most of the worlds municipalities.
the perspective that humans are fallible, and subject to error is well known, actually, and if you require a demonstration that humans are not all knowing, then you clearly have not lived among them.
Humans make mistakes, human perception sometimes makes mistakes in trying to accurately describe what it is seeing, to someone else.
This is why accurate, specific communication, and the ability of the results to be reproduced by others, are key to the scientific process.
it helps to eliminate error that is inherent in human perception, and cognition.
to arrive at the kind of truth you can build skyscrapers and bridges upon, without the boiler suddenly exploding.
these aren't just facts, they are building code in most of the worlds municipalities.