If you use the world /pol/ in any of your post, I know you're a midwit arguing in bad faith, and I will disregard whatever you have to say.
Scientific discourse happens through rational discussion and analysis of empirical evidence provided. Race, sex, age, academic title, religious or political beliefs are irrelevant to what makes sense scientifically, and what doesn't.
If you automatically assume that anyone who argues an hypothesis you believe is false comes from one evil dangerous place, you simply don't have the right mindset!
>But /pol/ is full of prejudice too! They call you a shilling! They are dumb! They are evil! They say X and Y!
See? You did it again. This is /sci/ not /pol/ and we don't care what happens there. Everyone, even dumb people, is free to argue about things, provided that they do their best to provide certain evidence (whether or not the evidence is fallacious can be easily discussed later).
If you ever use the word /pol/ on /sci/, you are the cancer that is killing this board, I won't give you any (you)s, and I invite everyone else to do so.
Scientific discourse happens through rational discussion and analysis of empirical evidence provided. Race, sex, age, academic title, religious or political beliefs are irrelevant to what makes sense scientifically, and what doesn't.
If you automatically assume that anyone who argues an hypothesis you believe is false comes from one evil dangerous place, you simply don't have the right mindset!
>But /pol/ is full of prejudice too! They call you a shilling! They are dumb! They are evil! They say X and Y!
See? You did it again. This is /sci/ not /pol/ and we don't care what happens there. Everyone, even dumb people, is free to argue about things, provided that they do their best to provide certain evidence (whether or not the evidence is fallacious can be easily discussed later).
If you ever use the word /pol/ on /sci/, you are the cancer that is killing this board, I won't give you any (you)s, and I invite everyone else to do so.