>>13409041I would like an answer now instead of 30 seconds from now when MATLAB boots up.
desmos and smybolab websites might be faster depending on what exactly I'm trying to do.
>>13410532>In pretty much any university or industry context,you would either not be allowed to use a calculator>It's not just in math majors, it's also in engineering You can use programmables in university engineering classes wtf are you talking about have you ever had an engineering class?
Half of the professors wouldn't even care if you had a textbook open during an exam. It's not going to help you, you have to understand the material before hand and often use every minute out of 55 allotted minutes to take a test. Flipping through a textbook to "learn" the material will not work . My thermodynamics teacher, who was one of the authors of the textbook we used, let us use the text during exams for lookup tables. Obviously they wouldn't care if you had a programmable calculator. For 400 level classes the goal is often just set up the final equation and that's the answer.