
No.13408027 ViewReplyOriginalReport
My early life has been chaotic and I was given a really bad hand at it. At childhood throughout late teens I've experienced poverty, dealt with disfunctioning family, damaged lungs from sleeping with cigar smoke seeping into my room, and emotional distress. So much so that I grew to have permanent angry eyebrows. I have a resting bitch face, and I know I developed this because in my kindergarten school photos, the position of my eyebrows were significantly different. I feel I have permanent changes in my brain from all the stresses in life that I can't even fully yawn properly always having this thought that someone might disturb me.

So I know my psychological state is in mess and I'm weary of the fact that I might go senile way earlier in life than others because of past traumas. But because epigenetics exist, if I ever have children, will they suffer from my bad genetic code and be affected neurologically/physically because of my bad hand in life? That thought alone shames me.