>>13408925Worst part of his writing for real. He justifies so many things in the most base materialist terms, including his belief that surrogate activities can never be as meaningful as pure survival/the power process since it is in some ways superfluous. Yet he spends a bunch of time talking about autonomy/freedom, human suffering, how important what it is to be human right now is (vs some sort of robotic grey goo future), etc. Conditional on my caring about any of these non-material arguments he makes, I should probably care about at least some surrogate activities.
I am really interested to see Tech Slavery Vol II get published, because you can see his views mature in Vol I, and it becomes even more obvious how much his isolation/depressive state clouded his thinking in earlier writings. He has built up the courage to admit that there are things beyond matter that matter, and so his arguments are a bit sharper (though I'm still not convinced anyone should move beyond technoskepticism to full-blown revolution).