No.13405777 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is there definitive scientific proof that italians aren't white?

According to my nations history lessons the original southern europeans were phonecians (who are arabs/middle easterners/africans),

they then settled souther europe which is why the people there have brown skin.

Then at the year 1000 more arabs using black african soldiers went to southern europe and raped all the women and children for 1000 years in a kalphiate of muslim jihad

Today in western media some seem to claim that the product of the rape of arabs by other arabs and africans has somehow produced "white" people...

then in the case of the spanish, when these people went to south america and raped other brown people the children of this 3x rape of non whites by non whites has also produced "white" hispanics.

Am I missing something here?