Essence: The essence of a finite object is the countably infinite string of binary digits that describe its relationship to all other objects that exist, this string must be infinite, because every relationship between objects understood by the human mind is discrete and always potentially more
Complexity: A string is as complex (using Kolmogorov complexity here) as the smallest conceivable computer program/algorithm that can describe it in its totality. Note: Some beings are very simple, for example those that are characterized by 10101... or the string of prime numbers.
Effability/Comprehendability: A being is comprehendible or effable if for some finite n we can describe a computer program or algorithm that explains its infinite essence in its totality with n symbols. We comprehend asteroids to a very very high degree because we can characterize it with a program that describes it relationship with gravity, geology etc.
Greatness: A being a is greater than being b if the essence of a can be mapped to the essence of b through a surjective function.
1. Consider some being from the set of all finite beings that exist.
2. On account of its essence, there is either a greater being or no greater being.
3.If there is a greater being, consider that being. (back to 2)
4.If there is no greater being, then consider the essence of this being
5.The greatest being must be greater then all objects and so must contain as essence which is greater then the set of all infinite sets of strings.
6.Through cantor's theorem, we know the cardinality of the essence of such a being is uncountable.
7.Through results in theoretical computer science, we know there exists no Turing machine that comes close to characterizing the uncountably infinite string that is this beings essence.
8.Therefore, since no algorithm describes the greatest beings essence, God is therefore ineffable.
Exactly the same reasoning as the Medievals.
Complexity: A string is as complex (using Kolmogorov complexity here) as the smallest conceivable computer program/algorithm that can describe it in its totality. Note: Some beings are very simple, for example those that are characterized by 10101... or the string of prime numbers.
Effability/Comprehendability: A being is comprehendible or effable if for some finite n we can describe a computer program or algorithm that explains its infinite essence in its totality with n symbols. We comprehend asteroids to a very very high degree because we can characterize it with a program that describes it relationship with gravity, geology etc.
Greatness: A being a is greater than being b if the essence of a can be mapped to the essence of b through a surjective function.
1. Consider some being from the set of all finite beings that exist.
2. On account of its essence, there is either a greater being or no greater being.
3.If there is a greater being, consider that being. (back to 2)
4.If there is no greater being, then consider the essence of this being
5.The greatest being must be greater then all objects and so must contain as essence which is greater then the set of all infinite sets of strings.
6.Through cantor's theorem, we know the cardinality of the essence of such a being is uncountable.
7.Through results in theoretical computer science, we know there exists no Turing machine that comes close to characterizing the uncountably infinite string that is this beings essence.
8.Therefore, since no algorithm describes the greatest beings essence, God is therefore ineffable.
Exactly the same reasoning as the Medievals.