>>13404942We don't know, we don't know how common aliens are and WHAT kind of aliens are common.
Maybe single cell life is plentiful but multicellular life is a freak of chance that happens once in a galaxy.
Maybe plants and stuff like jellyfish are plentiful but brain possessing organisms aren't.
Maybe actual animals are all over the place but sapient tool users as capable of humans aren't.
We don't know if we're the greys of our universe, the orcs of our universe or if we're the only sapient thing out there.
>>13404965I'd argue it's far more likely they exist than they don't because it's far more likely we're not that rare on a universal scale than we are a freak of chance that exists once in the entire universe.
>that's just muh billions and billionsHow is that a poor argument? I could be wrong and it's also possible we'll never ever observe them but if I were to bet one way or another the safer bet is on other life (in the broadest sense that includes microbes and plants) existing.